F.A.Q. Page

If you can’t find answers to your question here, please just ask.

Can I just come in any time?
Short answer: yes. It’s best to come and watch the class or classes you and your family want to participate in. However, we love company and are happy to take a break to answer questions and guide you through on our classes, procedures and culture.

What should I wear for my trial class?
If you want to be 100% legit, you should wear a white gi and white belt (like the ones we carry in-stock). But really, just wear comfortable, modest clothes that you feel like you can move around in and a pair of socks. You shouldn’t have to spend money on a uniform before you get a chance to try the class out.

When can I start?
Whenever. We don’t do quarterly sessions, or specific beginner classes. We have continuous enrollment for all of our classes. The curriculum is built to accommodate people of all skill levels working together. The only exception is that on occasion our Ninja Ranger classes are on a waiting list. This is to ensure that we have a healthy student/teacher mix.

Do you offer any discounts?
Yes. We offer a 20% discount to the first family member of any first responders or active duty military (thank you). We also offer a 25% discount to additional members of any household.

Where do I get my uniform?
You’re in luck! We carry a pretty extensive inventory of uniforms and belts for students of every size and age group. When you sign up, your uniform is included in your registration.

Where do I get the shoes?
Students in Youth and Adult classes are encouraged to get a pair of slip-on Van’s like these.

Why don’t you train barefoot?
Ringworm. MRSA…

Also, in reality you will most likely be wearing shoes when you are out in the world. If your martial art requires a bunch of slippery footwork, or taking off  your sneakers, then you might need to rethink your wardrobe.

Why do you wear t-shirts in the summer?
Between Memorial Day and Labor Day we wear a summer uniform which pretty much means gi pants and a t-shirt. It gets pretty hot in the dojo with a bunch of bodies moving around on an 80 degree plus day. Secondly, we wear what people are going to be wearing outside seasonally. When everyone is wearing jackets, we wear jackets. When everyone is wearing t-shirts we wear t-shirts. It’s that simple

Do you go to any competitions?
For Jujitsu, no. It is a self-defense only martial art. However, we are active competitors in Glima and members of our team have competed nationally, and plan to compete internationally.

Do you do weapons training?
Once they pass their white belt, Jujutsu students over the age of 8 begin training to defend themselves against weapons as well as training with them. It gives new challenges and enhances movement characteristics to their training. They are intended as tools for learning, not as an excuse to walk around waiting for the chance to use a weapon on someone.

What style do you teach?
We teach a streamlined version of Japanese Jujitsu which we call Kari Jujitsu (刈柔術) only because we had to call it something. It’s not entirely traditional nor will I infer that it is. It is the culmination of my 30+ years of experience with and against all manner of martial artists from across multiple disciplines. Today’s martial art cannot look the same as it did 500 or even 50 years ago. We have a responsibility to teach techniques that are effective, ethical, situation appropriate and mindful of litigation and social media.